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Mandala Magic

A mandala (Sanskrit word for circle) is an artistic representation of higher thought and deeper meaning. They appear in various cultures around the world and are often depicted as a circle often within a square but there are no rules to creating them.  A mandala may be a circle alone, a circle enclosing an image or just an image itself such as a lotus or other flower with the imagery directing the mind inwards assisting in the awareness of one's place and purpose in the world; this awareness then allows for peace of mind. 

They also add a great focus to an art piece. 😊



You are invited to join me to create your own unique artwork with a small group of like minded people. There is absolutely no artistic skill required just an open heart and mind and a willingness to have fun and connect to creative source.  


Using a variety of techniques and materials you will be creating an art piece  on a wooden board and building up layers of collage, stencils, paint, scribbles and finishing with a mandala. 


All supplies and materials will be provided along with yummy morning tea and we will work in a covered deck surrounded by nature in my back yard. 


You get to take your artwork home along with my bonus tipsheet:

" 10 ways to get your creative zen on" .


This 4 hour workshop is $95 inlusive of supplies and morning tea.

© 2021 by Gillian Smith - the creative pilgrim


Sunshine coast art classes

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